Best Places to Shop for Organic Groceries

organic groceries

If you want to start buying more organic and clean groceries for your family each week, and need to know the best places to shop, this post is for you. 

Best Places to Shop for Organic Groceries

1. Trader Joe’s

Trader Joe’s is one of my favorite places to shop for organic groceries. It reminds me a lot of a European grocery market. It’s small and most of the ingredients are clean (okay, well maybe outside of the frozen aisle…) 

They don’t offer grocery delivery or pickup, which is okay because going into this store is a great experience. I love going into this store because the workers are always friendly, helpful, and engaging. Every time I leave there I feel my faith in humanity is restored a smidge. Not to mention, when you enter, you are surrounded by beautiful flowers and plants. How can you not get one each time… am I right?!

I like that this store is small, and the way it’s organized is simple to navigate. You don’t have a million options for each item. In some grocery stores, you have 100 different options of cheddar cheese, ketchup, and eggs. It can get SO overwhelming. At Trader Joe’s, they keep it simple which makes for a much more enjoyable healthy grocery shopping experience in my opinion. 

2. Whole Foods

Ok if I’m being honest… I kind of used to hate on Whole Foods. I’m sad to admit it, but I used to be shocked at how expensive it is. That was until I actually started looking deeper into food labels and reading ingredients. Now… I get it. You get what you pay for. Whole Foods is great because most of their items are clean (for the most part). I’d still always recommend reading labels no matter where you shop, but at least at Whole Foods, you have way more clean options than at other grocery stores.

It’s an entire oasis catered to people like you, reading this post. People who care about what they are put into their bodies and prioritize their health and reducing chemicals and toxins. 

You’re more likely to have more options for things like pasture-raised eggs and grass-fed beef. They also have a wider variety of snacks and things like almond flour crackers, etc. They also have a wider variety of more exotic fruits and vegetables. Things you might not find at a standard grocery store. It’s safe to say that I have become a huge fan of Whole Foods. I don’t always buy all of my groceries there because some things are simply cheaper at other places. But I’m a huge fan of things like their Applegate Lunch Meat, or their super simple ingredient Sourdough which I have only found there so far. I genuinely enjoy going in there, it’s actually a fun experience for me. Such a dork, I know! 

What makes me love it even more is that they offer grocery delivery (for $10 but hey, sometimes it’s worth it to pay for convenience when you’re in a crunch) or grocery pickup at no cost. This is so great for moms with sleeping babies in the back seat. Just pull up, text, and they’ll come out with your groceries. Major life hack. 

3. Thrive Market

Thrive Market is an awesome place to order organic groceries online. What makes it different is that you need a membership, and you also need to order in advance since it takes a few days to get to you. What’s great though, is that they have very good standards for the food they sell. 

Their mission statement on their website states: “Our impact starts with the products we choose to carry. That means saying ‘yes’ to brands & suppliers that align with our vision of a healthier planet & often ‘no’ to those that do not hold the same ideals.” 100% of their ingredients are non-GMO (non-genetically modified). They prioritize sustainable grocery options and organic goods and have an extensive list of ingredients they restrict. This makes me feel like they can be more trusted than your typical grocery store. They legitimately won’t allow certain brands and products to be sold there. They filter the items for you, so you can feel safer with what you’re ordering.

Since you have to buy things in advance, Thrive Market is great for meal planners, or also just for stocking up on pantry goods and things like that. Whatever you don’t need asap. While using Thrive Market takes a little getting used to, I think the health benefits and cost is well worth it in the long run. 

4. Azure Standard

Azure Standard is an online, family-owned company that sells natural, non-GMO, and organic groceries, food and home products, as well as bulk items. Buying some stuff in bulk can be much more cost-effective, especially considering how organic and clean their products are. This is another online store where you have to be smart and plan ahead, but it’s SO worth it in the long run. I always feel much better supporting a family-owned company than the large food and grocery chains.

At Azure Standard, you can be assured that you’re getting high-quality, organic ingredients made by farmers and people who genuinely appreciate clean food and making it accessible to consumers like you and I. 

5. is a great site if you are interested in buying organic, local ingredients from a farm near you. I love this site to find high-quality meat and dairy locally. You simply go to, and click “Raw Milk Finder.” Select your state and it will populate local farms in your state. You can then research the farms closest to you, and then drive to them and go check out their products. I love this so much because it’s a great way to support small local businesses and still get local, quality-made ingredients outside of farmer’s market months. Your local farmer’s market in my opinion is the first place you should start when buying organic groceries.

I hope this list of my top five favorite places to shop for organic groceries helps you find cleaner, healthier options for your family!

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