5 Tips to Treat Diaper Rash Naturally

treat diaper rash naturally

Let’s be honest, babies get diaper rash sometimes. Here are some great tips to treat diaper rash naturally before you start using any heavily medicated creams or prescriptions. Our skin absorbs everything we put onto it, which is why I prefer to try these natural remedies before resorting to a cream with tons of chemicals in it.

Best Tips to Treat Diaper Rash Naturally:

1. Go Diaperless

A common cause of diaper rash is excess moisture trapped in the diaper area. A great way to help this is by letting baby go diaperless for 10-15 minutes 1 or more times a day. You can put towels down, or just let them crawl around. Worst case, they tinkle a little on the floor and you just clean it up. (actually, I guess there is something else that could happen that would be worse lol… but just hope for the best). Anyway, letting them go diaperless is a great way to treat diaper rash naturally by letting the area fully dry out and get exposed to fresh are for longer than 30 seconds before putting a diaper back on.

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2. Epsom Salt, Baking Soda Bath

A natural remedy for diaper rash that was recommended to me by a holistic pediatrician is to soak baby in a 5-10 minute bath with 1/2 c baking soda and 1 c of Epsom salt. This can be done a few times a week if needed. Epsom salt has anti-fungal properties, and baking soda helps cure raw or irritated skin and promotes faster healing. Just make sure you let the area fully dry afterward before applying the diaper again.

3. Change Diapers Frequently

As mentioned previously, one of the best and simplest ways to treat diaper rash naturally is to simple keep diapers changed frequently to prevent the build up of moisture. Moisture can cause a fungal yeast to grow and thrive, which is why we want to avoid it. Some diapers have a yellow line on them that turns to blue, which can be helpful for keeping an eye on when the diaper becomes wet.

4. Clean with Apple Cider Vinegar

Another way to treat diaper rash naturally is by making a spray of one part Apple Civer Vinegar with three parts water. Just spray it on the area, and let it dry before closing up the diaper. Apple cider vinegar can help to treat the fungus from growing. It can be drying though, so use sparingly, and you can follow up with a bit of coconut oil on the area to prevent drying. Coconut oil is also has antifungal properties.

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5. Use a cream with Zinc Oxide

If all else fails, you can of course use a cream to help with the diaper rash, however I recommend looking for one that ranks low on the EWG scale. This BABO Botanicals diaper rash cream is an excellent option one, because it really works! And two, because it is EWG verified, and contains zinc oxide and is fragrance free. This cream was recommended to me by a holistic pediatrician and it works like a charm.

I hope these remedies help your little one’s diaper rash go away and that you can feel comfortable knowing you did what you could to treat diaper rash naturally! Good job mama, you’re doing great!

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